Have you ever heard how Ham radio operators use different terminology? It was the ham radio lingo.
#Rvn5194 ham radio uk code#
I mean if you got a code “QRH”, that means “Does my frequency vary?” you can answer like “Your frequency varies.” Ham Radio Lingo QUF – Have you received the distress signal sent by … (call sign of mobile station)? QUE– Can you speak in … (language), – with interpreter if necessary if so, on what frequencies? QUD– Have you received the urgency signal sent by …? QUC – What is the number of the last message you received from me? QTX – Will you keep your station open for further communication with me until further notice (or until … hours)? QTH – What is your position in latitude and longitude (or according to any other indication)? QTC – How many telegrams (messages) have you to send? QTA – Shall I cancel telegram (message) No. QSZ – Shall I send each word or group more than once? QSY – Shall I change to transmission on another frequency? QSX – Will you listen to … (call sign(s) on … kHz (or MHz))? QSU – Shall I send or reply on this frequency? QSS – What working frequency will you use? QSO – Can you communicate with … direct or by relay? QSK – Can you hear me between your signals? QSA – What is the strength of my signals? QRT – Shall I cease or suspend operation? QRM – Do you have interference from other stations? QRK -What is the readability of my signals? QRJ – How many voice contacts do you want to make? QRI – How is the tone of my transmission? QRG– Will you tell me my exact frequency? QRA – What is the name (or call sign) of your station? The second set of codes is also not simple, because this set is not used in amateur radio. These signals are used only in ARRL NTS networks. It means that you should not pay attention to this code. You need to be careful with the first set of codes, because many may not fit the meaning.Ī simple example: the code asks for the cost, and the amateur link is free.
#Rvn5194 ham radio uk series#
The first set “migrated” from the civilian ITU series from QRA to QUZ. Therefore, these two sets are used only in amateur communication. Radio amateurs use Q-codes in voice communication as abbreviated nouns, verbs, and adjectives.